Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ahhhh the truly wonderful feeling of being sore.

Today I hurt.  I am so sore.  Monday was legs in boot camp, Tuesday I ran 4.5 miles, yesterday we did some more legs.  All of this added together equals one very sore Bobby.  I don't know why but I love the feeling of being sore, I mean don't get me wrong I don't like pain but the pain from being sore kind of solidifies all the hard work you have done.  Let me put it this way, I would rather be sore than not because that means I worked out harder than my body is used to.  The only way to get stronger, faster or better is by pushing beyond the limits of the last time you did so.  I feel that I have done that this week.  Especially yesterday, I definitely struggled in class.  I was up at 4:30 in the morning to come into work early, worked a 10.5 hour day and then went to boot camp.  I was very tired and was not really feeling the workout but I pushed through it and somehow I survived (there were a few times I was worried, trying doing 70 calf raises in a row and call me tomorrow and tell me how you feel).  Now today I feel great.  As hard as any workout has ever been, I have never once finished one and said to myself, "I wish I had not done that".  No matter how hard it was or how much I hated it at the time I was glad I did and even more glad that it was over :).

On Tuesday I tried to beat my time of 44:33 for the 4.5 mile run.  As I was getting closer to the end I started pushing the pace to sprint out the last two minutes or so and as I look down at my running watch I see flashing numbers stuck on 42:20 and the low battery sign flashing.  Much to my dismay the battery died and I have no idea if I actually beat my time.  The very first thought that came to mind was "Oh well, at least I tried" and I was reminded of a quote I heard awhile ago.  It was then I realized that I was not racing anyone but myself and if try hard and push as best I can no matter the outcome I will always be successful!

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