Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bike race cancelled but I was prepared!

First things first, as you can see I have changed blogging sites.  I did not care much for SimpleSite, it's more of a website based program than a blog.  Blogger seems to be much more user friendly and even after one post I like it better already! (thanks Hila)

Well, it didn't rain until well after my race would have been complete but the race was cancelled due to wet trail conditions from rains previously in the week.  I saw that someone posted something on the race site and said that if the race were on it would be like riding in wet peanut butter.  A pretty good description if you ask me.  mmmm...peanut butter...  Regardless I was prepared to workout, I thought ahead and brought clothes to make it to bootcamp!!  And what a class it was.  Lots of running and upper body workouts.  I even ran stairs with my trainer for 5-10 minutes before class.  One day I will need to take a picture of myself after one of these workouts, I literally look like I just climbed out of the pool, I am that soaked with sweat.  Is it weird to want to change shirts half way through class??

One aspect of Weightwatchers that I have not mentioned yet is activity points.  Every activity you do earns activity points that you can use once you use up all your daily or weekly points.  I try not to use these points for food, I feel like I am negating my workouts.  Bottom line about weight loss is calories in calories out.  So If I replace my activity points with food I just feel I will be less successful when it comes to the weigh in.  You can get activity points for all types of daily things, walking the dog, mowing the lawn, playing sports, running, working out, etc.  Weightwatches has preprogrammed points allotted for these activities depending on the duration and intensity.  I count bootcamp as 5 activity points on average.  Honestly I think Weightwatchers gives too many activity points for certain activities   For example, my 2 mile run on Monday earned me 5 activity points and that was only for 20 minutes of running at a 10 minute pace.  There is no way that in those 20 minutes I burned enough calories to then be able to eat something equivalent to 5 points.  Personally I feel you earn one point for every 10 minutes of a strenuous work out.  On average I burn anywhere from 60 - 100 calories every 10 minutes.  Times where I have worn a heart rate monitor in class I come up with a calorie burn of somewhere between 400 and 600 for that hour.  If you breakdown the food itself 100 calories of food is just about equivalent to one point so my thoughts are that in a 60 minute bootcamp class I average 5 activity points.  That was quite a bit of rambling and I hope it makes sense.

Today is my wife's birthday so of course it's a week long celebration.  Last night we went to Tara and Assaf's house to see the family and order take out.  Uh ohhh how can I eat healthy ordering out???  In the past I have always had the mindset that if I am paying for it I am going to order what I want.  Well that becomes a bit more difficult when trying to lose weight.  So last night I spent some time looking over the menu and ordered the chicken platter with vegetables.  The key to this meal was not eating the 2 cups of buttered rice they sent, I only ate about 1/3 of a cup.    

I calculated this dinner to be 18 points with the naan.  We also opened a bottle of wine during dinner with another glass afterwards.  This was a whopping 8 points just for the wine, but believe me when I tell you it was worth it.  Assaf has some of the best wine I have ever had in my life!!!  So in total I went over my daily points by 7.  Not bad but I also have several other events this week that will be cause me to dip into my weekly points.  We will see how it goes...

With all that said about making smart decisions about ordering, tonight should be interesting.  I have a dinner planned for Hila's birthday and no part of this meal will scream healthy.  I just need to make sure I write everything down and do my best to get some more workouts in the rest of the week.  I will be going to bootcamp again tonight, that's 4 days in a row!!  Booyah.

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