Wednesday, January 29, 2014


The past 96 hours have been rough.  Woke up Saturday morning sick as a dog.  Felt it in my body first and then in my head.  Slept, read, ate soup, fell back asleep, missed work, ate soup, slept, woke up and now it's Wednesday morning.  I am now back to work and feeling a bit better.  We also still have construction workers in our house so its hard to rest when it sounds like an old school Batman movie.  <POW> *BOOM*, but I made it work regardless.  One more week and they are gone anyway, and we will have another new bathroom.  I cannot express how happy I will be to have all this construction complete and behind us.  It has been a lot to deal with on top of all the other issues at hand.

This weekend Hila hooked me up with some "Jewish penicillin", homemade chicken soup.  Literally does wonders for the mind and body.  I have had soup for just about every meal for 4 days and it has been glorious.  Nothing like some hot chicken soup when you don't feel well.

On the bright side while being home sick I was able put down about two and half books, that is never a bad thing.  One of them, Phoenix Island, crazy good, check it out.

I still cannot workout and no updates yet on getting into the doc any sooner.  The worst part about all this is that fact that I have no clue what I am supposed to do.  I am a planner and I like to know what is going on with things.  Being in the dark on something, especially when it pertains to my body is quite troubling.  All I can do it deal with it and try to keep the stress at bay.  If I am being completely honest, that is not easy to do.  Luckily I have a wife who happens to love me, and is there when I need a shoulder.  She is, has been and will be my sanity.  I would be lost without her.  Whether it's work, life, love, stress, illness or injury, she is my rock, and for that I am Thankful.

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