Friday, December 27, 2013

We make time for the things we want.

We make time for the things we want.  I have not had any time.  None.  Zilch-O.  Back to work yesterday, still busy as hell today.  But I started thinking that I had not posted since I was in Florida.  I needed to make time for the things I want, the things that are important to me.  I want to keep up with my writing, so far the only way I have figured out how to do that is to write.  So here I am making time to write.  Making time to express myself with words.  I have many thoughts running through my head all the time.  What I have found by writing this blog is that I now have an avenue to express these thoughts.  Not everyone has this luxury.  Not everyone can vent or express their thoughts to a group of people who are actually willing to listen to what you have to say.

So as this year comes to an end I want to say thank you to all my readers out there.  Many of you have come to me and said how one particular post has affected you or pushed you to try something new or do something you had been putting off for too long.  Words cannot express how that makes me feel.  I started writing this blog for myself but in a very short time it has become so much more than that.  I never would have thought that my words would help someone else.  I still write this for myself, to keep me honest, to make sure that I do what I say I am going to do but it is because of your support that I have been even more successful than I could have imagined.  So again, thank you all very much.  We will continue to work together and find success no matter how big or small that success may be.

I have many new goals to focus on in the coming year, I will share them with you all in another couple of days.  The New Year is just around the corner and 2014 should be an exciting one to say the least.  I have a baby coming just around the bend, and a wife that loves me. Who could ask for anything more?

As my weekend is booking up with plans for Home Depot, Ikea, scheduling bathroom remodeling with my brother, putting the finishing touches on the nursery, I need to remind myself to continue to make time for the things I want.  Yes, I want all the things I just wrote about but I also want to maintain my health and fitness.  I will find time, I will make time, in between these things, to fit in a run, get in a workout, something, anything to keep up.  The past week was tough as far as eating is concerned but we have been on track since the day we got home.  Now it's time to get back to normal, focus on the goals I have made and remember that Christmas is one day, no need to extend Christmas into New Years and have an even more difficult time losing weight and getting back on track.  Usually for me the party starts on Halloween and goes right through to New Years.  Those times have come and gone my friend.  If we all start now we will be one week closer to achieving our goals for 2014.  Sounds like a good idea to me!

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