Thursday, September 12, 2013

Keep calm and drink more water.

All day yesterday I was trying to find the time to post and I was just too busy to fit in even a few minutes of extra time.  Crazy day for me yesterday for sure.  I made sure I set aside some time this morning to post.

So let's see, Oh yes, 7 miler.  Ran Burke Lake on Tuesday.  One lap of the lake is 4.5 miles, so what I did was run 3.5 miles around then turnaround and run back the way I came.  Not an easy feat by any means.  I normally just run the lake, one lap, that's it.  So when I am about a mile from the finish I start to push it out to finish sooner and I know I only have about 9 minutes of work left.  So to see the last mile ahead of me and then realize that I am just at the halfway point and need to turnaround was a little disheartening but I did it.  Yes I reached that runner's high!  The run was hard at the time but totally worth it by the end.  One thing that made it harder was the oppressive heat, 90+ degrees is tough, really tough to workout in.  Just needed to make sure I replaced all the water I lost.  I easily drank 2 gallons of water!

Last night at boot camp was much the same, close to 90 degrees.  Of course it was cardio day as well so needless to say it was hard.  Boot camp is always hard but cardio day is especially hard, you never really get a break from work.  It's constant, from one exercise to the next with little to no break.  Yes, we get a solid 15 seconds, which just sitting here seems like a decent amount of time but try doing burpees for 45 seconds and then tell me how quickly that 15 second break goes by.  I am telling you it's fast, before you know it you are back to those burpees, sweating your keister off!

Hydration is key during weeks like this.  I am willing to bet most of you out there do not drink enough water.  I can feel when I have not had enough water.  I fell sluggish, drained and I tire easily.  When I am well hydrated I feel unstoppable, I can run faster, push harder and I just all around feel better.  On an average day I drink at least a gallon of water, days like this week easily two gallons.  I rarely drink soda, maybe one a week, but I do have coffee each morning and sometime wine at night.  I make sure I drink even more water if I have the wine.  It's important to replace the water you lose from sweat and from anything that will dehydrate you like alcohol.  I go with the one for one plan, one glass of water for one glass of wine, seems to work well for me.  Goal for the day, drink up...the water that is.

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