Sunday, September 1, 2013

The hardest part of any workout is just getting there...

Wow, what a weekend it has been so far.  There have been so many events that I don't really know where to begin.  I will just start at the beginning:

Friday - Off to the National's game we went.  My goal was to avoid the pizza, failed.  My goal was three beers, failed.  Now looking at the bright side, as a group we ordered a pizza so I only had two small pieces instead of the massive slice they serve you if you just order one slice.  (I counted it as 8 points a piece).  Secondly, I ended up having four beers, I mean it's a baseball game OK?  What really got me was the snacking on the ballpark peanuts.  While great, totally unnecessary.  A few small handfuls added up to 6 points and didn't really do anything for me.  I would have rather had another slice of tomato pie.

Saturday - Now things get interesting.  My wife, Hila has started what she calls the Girlfriend 5K.  What she has done is get a group of her girlfriends together and they have all agreed to run a race in October.  She has somehow been able to get 17 girls to agree to do this, phenomenal woman, my wife.  What a fantastic idea.  In the group of girls there are all different fitness levels, from marathon runners to girls who don't even prefer to drive 26.2 miles.  They are doing a program called Couch to 5K.  This is one of the most basic running plans I have ever seen but the idea is obviously to get someone from couch potato level to 5K running level in 8 weeks.  For us who are active we have forgotten about the first couple workouts/runs where we literally wanted to die after the workout.  I am reminded of these times again seeing the girls here yesterday.  Some of the girls met here at the house and all ran together.  I really like this.  What I like about it is the fact that not only are these girls working together, even the stronger runners are participating in the run/walk program as well.  The non-runners need time to get acclimated to running and we all know that takes time.  I am really proud of all these girls and I wish them the best of luck on their training in the upcoming weeks.

While the girls were doing their run, I also ran and did a quick 3 miler (27 minutes 55 seconds - fastest run yet!!)  Afterwards all this the girls hung out for breakfast, and what did they have???  My Chocolate Smoothie!!!  A smashing success, all the girls loved  it.  Just seeing this picture makes me want one.  So I have to give props where props is due.  While we were making these smoothies, one of the girls, Hilary suggested adding some instant coffee to the mix to add a type of java flavor.  Let me tell you that it worked, I will definitely be doing that again!  Thanks Hilary.

Here is a group shot of the lovely ladies (plus mascots) post workout and breakfast.  (Team WTF - Where's the Finish?!)

Later in the day Saturday we had a few friends over to BBQ and ended up lighting up the fire pit.  My main concern with this was making sure I watched was I was eating and drinking.  This was the second night in a row of having an abundance of options for food and drink.  We all pitched in and helped with food and grilling and all in all I would say it was another smashing success.  I did end up using 59 points but I had been saving my weekly's and planning accordingly.  I also used some of my activity points but I feel great because I kept things in check and did not wake up today regretting any severe buffoonery.  Plus any night when the fire pit is burning is a great night in my book.

For breakfast this morning Hila made me a healthy version of Eggs Benedict.  Soo good.  Yes yes, I am that lucky!!!

At some point today I need to fit in a 6 mile run.  We have to go out around lunch time so I am thinking it will be later in the day, hopefully it does not get too hot.  Maybe it will rain and I will finally get my rain run in, I have been wanting to try that for weeks.  My boot camp program in having a Labor Day charity boot camp class tomorrow in Vienna at 8 AM, definitely going to that!!  I love that I know I have a committed workout scheduled and I don't have to worry about getting myself to the gym or out for a run.  For me the hardest part of any workout is just getting there...

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