Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Long run - check!

Finally got in my long run and it felt great.  I didn't know how I was going to feel with my back issues and the fact that I have missed a few runs recently so I just took off at a nice leisurely pace, a speed I know I could keep up with for a longer distance without walking and I actually had a really good run.  I was debating on how to get in 6 miles at Burke Lake.  I really didn't want to pass the finish line which is only 4.5 miles then continue on further then come back again, that kind of messes with the head some.  So all I did was run 3 miles around the lake and then turnaround.  Fantastic idea and worked wonderfully.  Anything that makes a run/workout easier on the brain is good for me.  The more I have to think about it or the more I have to worry about it the harder it becomes.  For me the out and back run is the best mentally.  You know that as far as you run out you have to run back the same distance.

Probably won't have time tonight to get a workout in with family coming over for dinner.  But I will be at boot camp tomorrow with the new class and new instructor.  So we are combining two different classes, our's that starts at 5:30 and the adjacent class that starts at 6.  One good thing about that is any day where I want to workout for an hour and half instead of an hour all I have to do is stick around for the end of the other class.  That will definitely be in the cards on the days that I can.

Tonight is going to be tough with food.  I will take pictures but I can assure you that there will be a full spread on the table tonight.  I even hear there is a special surprise for dessert, I will take a picture and you can try to guess what it is.  Unless you have had it before, I bet you can't guess.

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